In the past year, your support has helped us to achieve remarkable milestones:

  1. Global Impact: We reached over 50,000 downloads of “Courageous Christianity with Richard Mendelow” across 150 countries. This outreach has extended our influence across borders, touching lives with the transformative message of courage and faith.
  2. Digital Presence: We successfully launched the  CourageousChristianity.Today website, a hub offering access to over 200 podcasts, downloadable resources, and a dedicated prayer request platform. Your donations helped to make this digital space possible, amplifying our reach and impact.
  3. Communication and Connection: Through our monthly newsletter, we’ve been able to keep our community informed and engaged. This platform showcases radio shows, podcasts, published articles, and blogs, fostering a sense of connection among Christian warriors.
  4. Personalized Engagement: Your support facilitated the continuation of a growing men’s text group, enabling one-to-one mentor/coaching sessions, and empowering Christian warriors on an individual level.

As we anticipate the journey ahead, we are excited to share our vision for 2024 and into 2025:

  1. Empowerment through Education: Introducing the “Courageous Christian Bootcamp” Course—an online initiative designed to empower Christian warriors to effect spiritual, personal, political, economic, educational, and social change.
  2. Monthly Gathering: “Call to Courage” will be a monthly Zoom gathering for men, offering teaching, encouragement, and coaching, fostering a community of strong and courageous Christian leaders.
  3. Landmark Event: The first annual Courageous Christianity Conference is on the horizon for the spring of 2025 in Houston, TX. Watch for more information about this transformative event that promises to be a pivotal moment for Christian warriors.

We invite you to stay connected and informed about these initiatives. Visit CourageousChristianity.Today for updates, sign up for our newsletter, and follow our radio show/podcast for the latest information.

Your continued support is vital as we strive to fulfill our mission of equipping Christian men to lead on the spiritual battlefield. If you have not donated to Courageous Christianity, we ask you to consider doing so. And for those who have, we sincerely thank you for your financial partnership and support and look forward to the journey ahead in 2024.

God Bless and Semper Fi,

Richard and Christy Mendelow