In that spirit, over the last few days, I’ve been thinking about how things must have felt for Jews in the Holy Land who would soon know Jesus. A little over 2000 years ago, on the eve of His birth, like today, the world was in turmoil. The Temple was lost to self-righteousness, King Herod’s politics trod heavy on ordinary Jews, and above him, Rome taxed and bullied relentlessly. I’m quite sure it was a dark time of daily struggle as good men and women sought comfort in their faith, productive work, and health and prosperity for their families. Who among them could imagine that in mere days, the light, hope, and love of Jesus would enter the world?

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, I think there are many parallels for us today. These are indeed dark times. The rapists and murderers who attacked Israel are celebrated around the world, the Russia-Ukraine war is in its second year with no end in sight, China has enslaved 1.43 billion people to its previously tried and failed imperialist communist views, that strange little man in North Korea threatens the world with nuclear weapons, and America is a borderless and bankrupt nation, lost to corporate greed, the politics that produces, media spin, and progressive lunacy. Viewed from the bottom up, like those early Jews in the Holy Land, I understand feelings of hopelessness and even anger.

At the same time, we cannot get carried away with appearances. The truth is that 70% of the United States still identifies as Christian and as we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Messiah, God among us, and salvation incarnate, like generations before us, in Jesus Christ, there is light, love, brotherhood, strength, and victory over darkness. As Matthew 19:26 reminds us, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

In what God makes possible through Jesus Christ, I wish you happy holidays, merry Christmas, and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. I have no doubt that as each of us commits our hearts, our time, and our resources to a faithful walk as Christian Americans, Christian husbands and wives, Christian workers, and Christian voters, with our eyes focused on God, all will be as He promises.

God bless and semper fi,