Courageous Christianity

THE INTERSECTION OF FAITH AND THE WORLD Have you ever asked: “What is the right thing to do in this situation?” Or, “What is the loving thing to do in this situation?” Have you ever wondered, “Does God have a reason for this?” or, “Did God plan this meeting?” or, “Am I allowing something that […]

Choose Your Best Self

WHO ARE YOU? Have you done things you regret? As I asked that question, did some upsetting, embarrassing, or sinful moment pop into your head? If so, I get it completely. I’ve made many mistakes. Sometimes, people ask, “Who are you?” You may feel differently, but to me, it’s a weird and somewhat sad question. […]

Profiles in Courage

I met this angel at the airport today. Her name is Ms. DeAnn Plummer. She was loving and kind to everyone. She told me how she had been living on the street a year ago and how she is just so grateful to Jesus for everything. God bless her courageous and faithful heart. Talking to […]

Christ The Redeemer

Meet José Umana, an airline pilot who is devoted to Jesus and to his family. José is pictured holding his copy of “Right Makes Might: 40 Days To Courageous Christianity”. He is a courageous Christian in every sense and his faith infuses all aspects of his secular life. José’s joy in Jesus is tangible to […]